run laps. The afternoon has been gruesome and everyone is worn out. But
they need to push themselves a little harder.
You go to your car, and there on the seat is your mp3 player, full of free
mp3 music downloads you got online. It took you hours to find the perfect
songs. And when the music starts up, the team catches it and push
themselves harder than before. It was the tunes that did it.
A Trail by Fire
When it comes time to pump a team up, there are two schools of thought.
The movies tell us that the very act of overcoming adversities in a time
of trail – and a heartrending speech by the coach – are all a team needs
to win. In reality, athletes need more than powerful words. They need
powerful music.
It will take you a few times to perfect. But once you know what you're
trying to tell the players, and how you want to say it, finding the
perfect free mp3 downloads will become as second nature as scratching
A Rule of Thumb
When choosing mp3 downloads for your team, you need to think about what
attitude you want the music to give them. Some downloading services have
search options based on the mood you're in. In that way, finding music to
inspire, pump-up, or relax your players is easy.
To push your athletes farther than they've ever gone, you'll need more
than a good guitar riff. A steady beat and lush accompaniment has a way of
getting hold of emotions and twisting them. This is a reason techno is
such a popular genre of music for athletics. It pumps up and pushes more
than just about anything.
Recommend mp3 music downloads:
• Moby PLAY
• Fat Boy Slim You've Come a Long Way, Baby
• Queen's "We Will Rock You (We are the Champions)"
• Rocky IV soundtrack.
• Eminem's "Lose Yourself"
• Almost anything by Kanye West
These are just a tiny selection of the best music to get your players
riled up. If you're coaching students, pick songs they know. Getting
totally free mp3 downloads is the perfect way to get whatever song you
need, so you can pick a slew of songs and then whittle them down to a
When the Wind Blows
Nothing unleashes the rawness of human nature like music. If you want your
girls to run faster and swing stronger, or your boys to hit harder and
jump higher, choose your words carefully. The perfect way to inspire and
create heroes is to give them something powerful to work with.
If the service you pick has a monthly subscription for unlimited free mp3
downloads, pay it. The flat fee will pay for itself after your first mix.
When you have over 20 million choices for what will inspire your athletes,
having infinite possibilities is more than alluring, it's intoxicating.